Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Zippo Lighter

Well, let me not divulge into the details of the ad. Can you guess what the ad is trying to convey?

adMad Trivia Fortnight
The answer to last trivia was Zippo and the lucky winner for the day is Murali Duggineni. Congrats man, and to all those who got their answers correct. Moving on to today's trivia..

adMad Trivia Fortnight #2
Connect: Pirates of Silicon Valley, Actimates, (What's the brand associated with these?)

Post your answer through the "Enter Trivia Answer" link.. Have a great day guys!


Anonymous said...

The ad is trying to convey that a Zippo has enough firepower to incinerate a whole tree before the tree crushes it's poor little ass?

JS Grame-Smith said...

Zippo is the one of the best lighters int to the lighters zone.
zippo lighter