Sunday, September 18, 2005

Colgate Palmolive Ajax

Ajax is an all-purpose cleaner by Colgate Palmolive. They say that it removes tough dirt and grease to leave surfaces sparkling clean.

The product is an all purpose cleaner. It is kept on the glass top of the table after cleaning the glass with it. The power of the product in terms of cleaning is evident from the disappearance of the glass to human eye.


Anonymous said...

thats a good one.
well my two cents.....the ad is about a cleaning solution used on surfaces like glass. this one is so effective that u cannot even see the glass top of the table on which the bottle is placed.......
and abt the last ad. i thought it was a little confusing.or maybe its just me.

Sujith said...

there u go! cool!

yup.. the previous ad was bit confusing.. see my analysis there.. :-))

-Poison- said...

same as divs said :p

Geo said...

There is a slight flaw with this adv.
If you observe this kind of a furniture, there will always be a bush between the wooden frame and the glass. Or else some glue will be applied between the two.

In this picture, both are absent.

You can argue that the glass sheet is just kept over the frame, but that’s not how its done in practical situations...

Sujith said...

> poison
same as reply to divya :-))

> geo
nice observation.. btw evenif there is a bush, does it make a difference to the ad? u can see a bush on the wood thts all rt.. :-)