Monday, April 23, 2007

Forth Jardim

A great ad from Forth Jardim. It shows a child watching a swing high up in the air. The use of the fetilizer on the tree on which the swing was hung made it grew taller and the swing became unreachable for the child. Amazing idea! Share with us your opinion about this ad.

Now moving on to today's dose of trivia...

adMad Trivia #41
Their logo is called a Speechmark, as it is a quotation mark in a circle; the O's in its logotype are opening and closing quotation marks, suggesting conversation. They are responsible for the current size and shape of a SIM card. The small rectangle with one corner slit was their invention which they allowed other network providers to use in the interest of the customer, so that all SIMs fit all mobile phones. Name the brand with a significant Indian connection.

Post you answer as a comment. Please not that comment moderation is enabled. Have a nice day :-)


J said...

It's Vodaphone!

p.s.: any chance of featuring the 'Hamara Bajaj' Ad on this site?

Anonymous said...


Rushaan said...

Thats Vodafone!

Vidwata said...


Did not know this one when I read the trivia. Then I found out..

The brand is Vodafone

This is a great exercise for people interested in brands!

Anonymous said...

